Main Research Fields
Development of the modern tools of macro financial program of Ukraine analysis and modeling consequences of the managerial decisions in short and long run perspectives (In conjunction with University. Berkeley, California, coordinators - the Ukrainian side - prof. Lukyanenko Iryna, from the American side - prof. Gorodnichenko Yuriy)
Development of Ukraine macroeconometric models with different levels of aggregation based on the new scientific approaches and theoretical concepts ((Together with University. Berkeley, California, koordynatory- the Ukrainian side - prof. Lukyanenko Iryan, from the American side - prof. Gorodnichenko Yuriy)
Analysis of budgetary and tax policies of Ukraine (coordinator - Honored Worker of Science and Technology Chugunov Igor, Bui Tatiana)
Analysis and modeling of socio-economic processes (Coordinator - Krasnikova Larysa, Podvysotska Tamara)
Information systems and technologies in financial studies (together with Bentley College, USA) Coordinators - prof. Ivakhnenkov Serhiy, Ph.D., assoc. Shportyuk Volodymyr, from the American side - prof. Mark Nixon)
Actual problems of the investment policy and model of the financial investment evaluation (in conjunction with a research center in Norway (NUPI, Oslo, Norway, coordinators from Ukrainian side: Lukyanenko Iryna, Mertens Oleksandr, Primierova Olena, and from Norwegian side: Prof. Fulvio Castellacci, Department of International Economics, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI); Prof. Per Botolf Maurseth: Department of Economics, Norwegian Business School (BI), and Department of International Economics, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI))
Monetary theory and monetary policy (together with the University of Paris-Est (France) (coordinators: the Ukrainian side, Lukyanenko Iryna, Krasnikova Larysa, Shumska Svitnala, Glushchenko Svitlana; form the French side- François Legendre, Professeur d ' économie à Paris-Est (Créteil Professor of economics, Paris-Est Créteil University), Directeur de l'école doctorale Organisations, Marchés, (Institutions Director of the doctoral school "Organisations, Marchés, Institutions"), Boris Najman, Professeur d ' économie à Paris-Est Créteil (Créteil Professor of economics, Paris-Est Créteil University)
Financial risk management and financial mathematics (coordinators: Kaminskyy Andriy, Shportyuk Volodymyr).