Неформальна економіка та фінансовий розвиток країни (англійською мовою)
Викладач: ст. викл., PhD Неживенко О.В.
3 кред. ЄКТS, 2 год./тижд., 6 семестр, залік (забезпечує кафедра фінансів)
Even in the presence of growth, informality persists in all counties. The informal economy represents 30-90% of employment in developing countries and 10% in developed economies.
The goal of this course is to examine a contemporary phenomenon of the informal economy and its impact on the development of different countries, with attention on the Ukrainian background. Key issues covered in the course include the impact of the informal economy on the labour market, country development, social policy and taxation. First, we will explore recent efforts to define, conceptualize and empirically analyze what is broadly defined as “informal”, as well as how the development of a country co-exists with informal practices. Next, we examine the measurement methods of the informal economy, broadly grouped into macroeconomic (indirect) and microeconomic (direct) methods. On the example of their application to Ukraine, we will compare these methods. Finally, we focus on undeclared work to understand the scope of informal labour market and to search for possible measures to tackle it in Ukraine.
Lectures will be complemented by discussion and classroom presentation of students’ own research on the topic. Students will be asked to prepare a brief essay on one of the papers out of a proposed readings list and a research project with the results of conducted interviews with undeclared workers.
By the end of this course, students will be able to differentiate between “shadow economy”, “informal sector”, “non-observed economy”, “informal employment”, “informal economy”, and “undeclared work”. Students will also be able to analyze positive and negative impact of informality on development. Students will be familiar with measurement methods of informality and will be able to apply them in an empirical study.