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Defended candidate and doctoral dissertations - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

Laboratory of Financial and Economic Research

The Head of Laboratory of Financial and Economic Research, Professor, Doctor of Economics Sciences Iryna G. Lukyanenko.

The Laboratory of Financial and Economic Research has been functioning since 2002. It is scientific and educational division of the Department of Finance, Faculty of Economics, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

The aim of the Laboratory existence is to develop a scientific approach to the analysis of financial and economic policy at the macro and micro levels; development of guidelines, particularly in fiscal and monetary policy, financial management, international finance; development of new modern economic and mathematical methods for the analysis of financial and economic problems; technical, informational and methodological support of the NaUKMA courses at the Department of Finance and researches of teachers and students at the Faculty of Economics in the field of theoretical and applied financial and economic research, and conducting scientific seminars, roundtables and conferences.

Within the Laboratory international research groups are established and successfully functioning.

Defended candidate and doctoral dissertations

The visible result of the Laboratory efficient work is defended dissertations:

Candidate dissertations:

  1. Semikolenova S. V. Statystychne otsinyuvannya stanu ta rozvytku hotel'noho hospodarstva [Statistical evaluation of the condition and development of the hotel industry]: Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.10 - Statistics (Specialized scientific council D 26.006.06 Kyiv National Economic University, 14 March 2008)
  2. Tokarchuk T. V. Matematychni metody, modeli ta informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi v ekonomitsi [Mathematical methods, models and informational technologies in economics]: Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.11 - Mathematical methods, models and informational technologies in economics (Specialized scientific council D 26.006.06 Kyiv National Economic University, 30 May2008)
  3. Podvysotska O. Kompleksna  otsinka zdorov’ya naselennya ta yoho vplyv na ekonomichne zrostannya [Complex evaluation of the population health and its impact on the economic growth]: Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.07 – Demography, labor economics, social economics and policy (Specialized scientific council D 26.247.01  Institute of Demography and Social Policy, NAS Ukraine, 29 April 2009)
  4. Podvysotskyy Yu. A. Finansovi investytsiyi yak instrument ekonomichnoho rozvytku krayiny [Financial investment as the economic development instrument for the country]: Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.08 – Money, finance and credit (Specialized scientific council D 26.055.03 Kyiv National Trade Economics University, 25 June 2012)
  5. Hrozava K. S. Modelyuvannya kryzovykh yavyshch v diyal'nosti strakhovykh kompaniy Ukrayiny [Modelling of the crisis in the insurance companies activity in Ukraine]: Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.11 - Mathematical methods, models and informational technologies in economics (Specialized scientific council D 26.006.06 Kyiv National Economic University, 15 October 2009)
  6. Maruzhenko D. S. Perestrakhuvannya yak skladova zabezpechennya finansovoyi stiykosti strakhovyka [Reinsurance as an element of financial solvency ensuring for insurer]: Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.08 – Money, finance and credit (Specialized scientific council D 26.853.01 Scientific financial Institute of the Financial Management Academy, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, 30 April 2010)
  7. Primierova O. K. Rozvytok bankivs'koyi systemy Ukrayiny v umovakh finansovoyi hlobalizatsiyi [Development of the Ukrainian banking system under globalization]: Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.08 – Money, finance and credit (Specialized scientific council D 26.001.12 Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University,  21 April 2010)
  8. Buy T. H. Borhovi tsinni papery u finansuvanni korporatsiy [Debt securities in the corporation financing]: Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.08 – Money, finance and credit (Specialized scientific council D 26.001.12 Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University,  19 May 2010)
  9. Byelen'ka H. V. Matematychni metody diahnostuvannya finansovoyi stabil'nosti bankivs'koho sektoru Ukrayiny [Mathematical methods of the banking sector financial stability diagnosis in Ukraine]. Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.11 - Mathematical methods, models and informational technologies in economics (Specialized scientific council D 26.006.06 Kyiv National Economic University, 17 June 2011)
  10. Sydorovych M. Y. Byudzhetno-podatkova polityka v umovakh transformatsiyi ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Fiscal policy under economic transformation in Ukraine]. Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.08 – Money, finance and credit (Specialized scientific council D 26.055.03 Kyiv National Trade Economics University, 26 June 2013)
  11. Semko R. B. Modelyuvannya monetarnykh protsesiv v umovakh zburen' na fondovomu rynku [Modelling of monetary processes under disturbances on the stock market]. Dissertation for the candidate of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.11 - Mathematical methods, models and informational technologies in economics (Specialized scientific council D 26.006.06 Kyiv National Economic University, 2014)

Doctoral dissertations:

  1. Lukianenko I. H. Systemne modelyuvannya mekhanizmu byudzhetnoho rehulyuvannya [Systematic modelling of the budget regulation mechanism]. Dissertation for the doctor of economics degree, specialty: 08.03.02 – economic-mathematical modelling (Specialized scientific council D 26.006.01 Kyiv National Economic University, 16 May 2005)
  2. Ivakhnenkov S. V. Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi v audyti ta vnutrishn'ohospodars'komu kontroli [Informational technologies in audit and internal economic control]: Dissertation for the doctor of economics degree, specialty: 08.00.09 – Accounting, analysis and audit (Specialized scientific council D 26.006.06 DVNZ Kyiv National Economic University, 25 March 2011)
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