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Zvarych Olga - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

Zvarych Olga

Candidate of economic sciences, Senior lecturer, Department of Finance, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”

Sphere of scientific interests: forecasting of macroeconomic indicators, budget revenues and expenditures, and the united treasury account

Main topic of scientific research: Budget revenues forecasting

Courses: Actual problems of economics, Budget forecasting and planning foundations


1988 - Kyiv technological institute of food industry, “Baking, noodle, and confectionery production technology”, process engineer qualification

1995 - Lviv financial-economic college, “Finance and credit”, accountant-financier qualification

Professional experience:

July – October 2004 - Head of Revenue Office of the Department of Consolidated Budget. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine 

October 2004 – September 2005 - Head of Revenue Office of the Department of Budget Policy, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

September 2005 – March 2011 - Head of Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

March 2011 – August 2011 - Head of the Department of Information Exchange and Analysis, Office of Tax and Customs Policies, Revenues, and Monitoring of Payment Administration and Accounting Methodology, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

August 2011 – December 2013 - Head of the Office of Tax and Customs Policies, Revenues, and Monitoring of Payment Administration and Accounting Methodology, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

December 2013 – August 2014 - Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship Accounting Methodology for, Office of Tax and Customs Policies, Revenues, and Monitoring of Payment Administration and Accounting Methodology, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

August 2014 – March 2015 - Head of Department of Budget Expenditures, State Treasury of Ukraine

March 2015 – current time - Head of the Department of Financial Resources, State Treasury of Ukraine

September 2011 – June 2014 - Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Faculty of Finance and Banking, National University of State Tax Office of Ukraine (part-time)

September 2014 – current time - Senior Lecturer, Department of Finance, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (part-time)



Zvarych, O. Tax Revenues: Forecasting Methodology / O. Zvarych. — K. : KNTEU, 2013. — 443 P.


Zvarych, O. The Basics of Budget Forecasting and Planning (in print)

Collective monographs:

  1. Zvarych O. V. State financial policy and forecasting of budget revenues in Ukraine / M. Azarov, F. Yaroshenko and others. — K. : NDFI, 2004. — Chapter 4.2: Forecasting tax revenues to the budget; Chapter 4.3: Forecasting non-tax revenues to the budget; Chapter 5.2: Macroeconomic simulation model of VAT; Chapter 6.3: Forecasting tax revenues to the budget in 2005; Chapter 6.4: Forecasting non-tax revenues to the Ukrainian budget. — pp. 390-471, 492-538, 620-696.
  2. Zvarych O. V. Tendencies and Proportions of the Development of Ukrainian Economy / ed. B. F. Besedin. — K. : NDEI, 2005. — Chapter 1.7: Main tendencies and directions of improving budget revenue structure. — pp. 61-73.
  3. Zvarych O. V. Economics of Ukraine: Strategic Planning / ed. B. F. Besedin. — K. : NDEI, 2008. — Chapter 4.4: Improving the forecasting of VAT in context of regions based on forecasting methodology. — pp. 425-430.
  4. Zvarych O. V. Forecasting the macroeconomic consequences of implementing the Tax Code of Ukraine / ed. F. O. Yaroshenko. — K. : DNNU AFU, 2010. — Chapter 2.4: Justification of a set of macroeconomic indicators for analysis, modelling, and forecasting the consequences of implementing the norms of the Tax Code of Ukraine. — pp. 147-165.

Short publications in scientific journals:

  1. Zvarych O. V. The role of tax revenues in the formation of budget revenues / O. V. Zvarych // Economics: the problems of theory and practice: A Collection of Scientific Papers. — Issue 231. — Vol. 6. — Dnipropetrovsk: DNU, 2007. — pp. 1104-1110.
  2. Chugunov I., Zvarych O. Budget revenues as a part of the budget regulation system / I. Chugunov, O. Zvarych // Scientific proceedings of NDFI. — 2007. — Vol. 1(38). — pp. 3-13.
  3. Zvarych O. V. Improving the practice of forming budget revenues / O. V. Zvarych // The formation of market relations in Ukraine: A Collection of Scientific Papers. — Vol. 11(78) / ed. I. K. Bondar. — K. : NDEI, 2007. — pp. 21-25.
  4. Zvarych O. V. Methodological basis of forecasting personal income tax revenues / O. V. Zvarych // Scientific Proceedings of NDFI. — 2009. — Vol. 3(48). — pp. 12-18.
  5. Zvarych O. V. Forecasting corporate income tax revenues / O. V. Zvarych // Scientific Proceedings of NDFI. — 2010. — Vol. 1(50). — pp. 24-32.
  6. Zvarych O. V. The technique of forecasting revenues from import and export duties / O. V. Zvarych // The Proceedings of the Academy of Customs Authority of Ukraine. — Economic Series. — Dnipropetrovsk. — 2010. — No. 1. — pp. 20-27.
  7. Zvarych O. V. Midterm forecasting of budget revenues and their relation to the macroeconomic indicators // O. V. Zvarych // Finance of Ukraine. — 2011. No. 8. — pp. 59-75.
  8. Zvarych O. V. Midterm budget forecasting as a part of budgetary process / O. V. Zvarych // Proceedings of KNTEU. — 2011. — No. 5. — pp. 44-58.
  9. Zvarych O. V. Court fee revenues in Ukraine: problems and perspectives / O. V. Zvarych // Finance of Ukraine. — 2013. — No. 2. — pp. 59-70.

Other publications:

  1. Zvarych O. V. The problems of VAT administering // the proceedings of scientific-practical conference “The directions of development of Ukrainian financial system under current conditions”], Kyiv, 23-24 March, 2007 / eds. I. Chugunov et al. — K. : NDFI, 2007. — Vol. 1. — pp. 184-186.
  2. Zvarych O. V. Forecasting state budget revenues // the proceedings of scientific-practical conference “The development of financial system of Ukraine under the conditions of economic globalization”, Kyiv, 15-16 April, 2008 / eds. I. Chugunov et al. — K. : NDFI, 2008. — pp. 107-110.
  3. Zvarych O. V. The formation of budget revenues under current economic conditions // the proceedings of scientific-practical conference “Financial-budgetary strategy under current socio-economic conditions”, Kyiv, 26 February, 2009 / ed. I. Chugunov et al. — K. : NDFI, 2009. — pp. 76-81.
  4. Zvarych O. V. Methodological grounds of forecasting corporate tax revenues // the proceedings of scientific-practical conference “Financial-budgetary component during the transformation of economy”, Kyiv, 26-27 April, 2010 / eds. I. Chugunov et al. — K. : DNNU AFU, 2010. — pp. 45-47.
  5. Zvarych O. V. Reimbursing court fees without court resolutions / O. V. Zvarych // Golovbukh: Budget. — 2013. — No. 9. — pp. 10-17.
  6. Zvarych O. V. The evaluation of train transport in Ukraine and the innovation-investing policy in its modernization // The formation of market relations in Ukraine. — 2014. — No. 9. — pp. 141-148.