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Scientific Results - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

University of Bergen

Scientific Results

The project team has been very productive scientifically, In December 2012, the first cohort of NaUKMA students in Bergen and the project coordinators, Wheat and Lukianenko, made presentations at an international conference “From Individual Choices to National Strategies of International Cooperation in Education” at the University of Stavanger in Norway (Lukianenko&Wheat, 2012; Faryna et al., 2012). In 2013, professor Wheat presented the achievements, lessons learned, and value of the project at the “Developments in Economics Education” conference in the United Kingdom (Lukianenko&Wheat, 2013). In 2014, Faryna and Wheat developed a system dynamics model of the monetary sector of the Ukrainian economy and prepared a paper that Faryna delivered at the international conference of the System Dynamics Society in the Netherlands (Faryna, 2014c). During 2015, six members of the project team are participating in the international System Dynamics Conference in the United States. A jointly-authored system dynamics training manual was published in Ukrainian and distributed during the fall semester of 2014 (Wheat et al., 2013). Other completed publications with a system dynamics component include one PhD thesis, four master theses,  four scientific journal papers, and more than fifteen scientific reports. Our project was also highlighted in a recent journal article, "Systems Education at Bergen" (Davidsen et al., 2014).The list of different scientific publications is presented below.

Dissertations and thesis

Anton Lytvyn (2016) Modeling of the Anti-crisis Financial Management Processes in Ukrainian Insurance Companies [Modelyuvannya protsesiv antykryzovoho finansovoho upravlinnya v diyal'nosti strakhovykh kompaniy Ukrayiny] (PhD Dissernation). NaUKMA, Kyiv.

Alina Novik (2014) Modeling of Ukrainian Labor Market as a Regulator of Economic Developement and Financial Stability [Modelyuvannya rynku pratsi Ukrayiny yak rehulyatora ekonomichnoho rozvytku ta finansovoyi stabil'nosti] (Mater thesis). NaUKMA, Kyiv.

Heorhii Liapkalo (2014) Modeling of Enterprise Activity and Analysis of Financial Ratios Based on Pro Forma Financial Statements (Mater thesis). NaUKMA, Kyiv.

Pervin Dadashova (2014) System Analysis and Modelling of Impact of Mutual Consistency Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Macroeconomic Stability [Systemnyy analiz ta modelyuvannya vplyvu vzayemouz·hodzhenosti monetarnoyi ta fiskal'noyi polityky na makroekonomichnu stabil'nist'] (Mater thesis). NaUKMA, Kyiv.

Iryna Volianiuk  (2013) System Dynamics Modeling of Ukrainian Economy [Modelyuvannya ekonomiky Ukrayiny na makrorivni metodom systemnoyi dynamiky] (Mater thesis). NaUKMA, Kyiv.


David Wheat, Oleksandr Faryna, Iaroslava Stelmashenko (2013) System Dynamics:  basic steps to build system dynamics models using software package iThink 10. A practical guide to system dynamics to work in the computer lab [Systemno-dynamichni modeli: osnovni etapy pobudovy modeley systemnoyi dynamiky z vykorystannyam prohramnoho paketa iThink 10]. Kyiv: NaUKMA.

Oleksandr Faryna, Pervin Dadashova (2015) Conceptual Approaches to Macro Modeling of Ukrainian Economy with the Use of System Dynamics [Kontseptual’ni pidkhody do pobudovy makromodeli ekonomiky Ukrainy metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. Kyiv: NaUKMA.

Oleksandr Faryna (2014) System Dynamics Approach to Modeling Monetary Sector of Ukraine [Modelyuvannya monetarnoho sektoru Ukrayiny metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. University Economic Bulletin, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskiy State Pedagogical University after Grygoriy Skovoroda, 23 (1), 156-163.

Iryna Lukianenko, Pervin Dadashova (2014) Modeling of Governmental Sector of Ukraine Using System Dynamics  Method [Modelyuvannya derzhavnoho sektoru Ukrayiny metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. Magisterium, NaUKMA, 56, 4-8.

Iaroslava Stelmashenko (2013) Features of Development the System Dynamics Model of Consumption Sector  [Osoblyvosti modelyuvannya sektoru spozhyvannya i zaoshchadzhen' domohospodarstv za dopomohoyu metodiv systemnoyi dynamiky]. Scientific Notes of NaUKNA, 146, 95-99.

Heorhii Liapkalo (2014) Method of Business Processes Model Building on the Base of Financial Reports of Enterprice [Metod pobudovy modeli biznes-protsesiv na bazi finansovoyi zvitnosti pidpryyemstva]. Magisterium, NaUKMA, 56, 73-76. 


1. Oleksandr Faryna Evaluation of Ukrainian Economy Financial Stability Using System Dynamics Methods [Otsinka finansovoyi stabil'nosti ukrayins'koyi ekonomiky metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. January 24, 2013

2. Iaroslava Stelmashenko Modeling of Capital Market Using System Dynamics Methods [Modelyuvannya rynku kapitalu metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. January 24, 2013

3. Pervin Dadashova Modeling of Governmental Sector of Ukraine Using System Dynamics  Method [Modelyuvannya derzhavnoho sektoru Ukrayiny metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. January 14, 2014

4. Anton Lytvyn Problems of Export-Import Processes Modeling Using  System Dynamics Methods in Ukrainian Economical Conditions [Problemy modelyuvannya protsesiv eksportu-importu iz zastosuvannyam metodiv systemnoyi dynamiky v ekonomichnykh umovakh Ukrayiny]. January 14, 2014

5. Alina Novik Capital and Labor Formation in Ukraine [Formuvannya kapitalu ta pratsi v Ukrayini]. January 14, 2014

6. Iaroslava Stelmashenko Modelling Consumption Sector. System Dynamics Percpective. January 14, 2014

7. Iaroslava Stelmashenko Modelling Capital Sector. System Dynamics Percpective. January 14, 2014

8. Pervin Dadashova Modeling of Governmental Sector of Ukraine Using System Dynamics Method [Modelyuvannya derzhavnoho sektoru Ukrayiny metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. January 24, 2014

9. Alina Novik Capital and Labor Formation in Ukraine [Formuvannya kapitalu ta pratsi v Ukrayini]. January 24, 2014

10.Oleksandr Faryna Modelling of Monetary Processes Using System Dynamics Method [Modelyuvannya monetarnykh protsesiv metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. January 24, 2014

11.Pervin Dadashova Definition of Macroeconomic Stability and Features of Its Modeling. November 14, 2014

12.Anna Yelistratova The Problem of Population Decline in Ukraine. January 28, 2015

13.Oleksandr Faryna Implementation of Inflation Targeting in the Climate of Floating Exchange Rate [Peredumovy zaprovadzhennya polityky inflyatsiynoho tarhetuvannya za umov plavayuchoho valyutnoho kursu]. March 12, 2015

14.Pervin Dadashova Modelling Fiscal Sector of Economy in Interrelation with Monetary Indicators Using System Dynamics Methods [Modelyuvannya fiskal'noho sektoru ekonomiky u rozrizi vzayemozvyazkiv z monetarnymy pokaznykamy metodamy systemnoyi dynamiky]. March 12, 2015

15.Oleksandr Faryna with David Wheat The Danger of Float: The Case of Ukraine. July 19-23, 2015

16.Iaroslava Stelmashenko with Iryna Lukianenko and David Wheat Learning Economics with Dynamic Modeling. A Norwegian-Ukrainian Collaboration Project. July 19-23, 2015

17.Anton Lytvyn with Pervin Dadashova A System Dynamics Approach to Modelling Business Activities of Ukrainian General Insurers. July 19-23, 2015