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Financial Management - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

Financial Management

Teaches: Lukianenko Iryna

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Theoretical and Organizational Issues of Financial Management.

Theme 2. System of Financial Management Support.

Theme 3. Valuation of Money Price over Time and Its Application in Financial Estimations.


Theme 4. Valuation of Long-Term Securities.

Theme 5. Risk and Profitableness.

Theme 6. Financial Reporting Analysis.

Theme 7. Cash-flow Management of a Company.

Theme 8. Profit Management.

Theme 9. Assets Management.

Theme 10. Investment Management.

Theme 11. Capital’s Value and Optimization of Its Structure.

Theme 12. Internal Financial Forecasting and Planning of a Firm.

Theme 13. Antirecessionary Financial Management of a Company.


  1. Balabanov J.T. Fundamentals of Financial Management: Educational accessory. Moscow: Finansy I Statistika, 1998.
  2. Brigham Y.F. Fundamentals of Financial Management. K., Molod’ 1997.
  3. Financial Management: Manual Kyiv: KNEU, 2005 / under the supervision of prof. A. M. Podderyogin.
  4. Financial Management: Educational accessory / under the supervision of prof. G.G. Kireytsev. Kyin: CEL, 2002.
  5. J.C.Van Horne. Financial Management Policy. .-12th ed.. - Printice Hall, Upper-Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, 2004.- 813c
  6. Kovalenko L.O., Remnyova L.M. Financial Management: Educational accessory. 2nd Kyiv: Znannia, 2005.
  7. Podderyogin A.M., Bur’ak L.D., Kalach N.Y et al. Financial Management: Educational accessory for self-studying. Kyiv: KNEU, 2001.
  8. Samsonov N.F., Barannikova N.P., Volodin A.A. et al. Financial Management: Manual. Moscow: Finansy Unity, 1999.
  9. Tereshchenko O.O. Financial Sanitation and Bankruptcy of the Enterprises: Educational accessory. Kyiv: KNEU, 2000.
  10. Vorobjov Yu. M. Financial Management: Educational accessory. Simferopol: Tavriya, 1999.
  11. Periodicals: “Visnyk NBU”, “Bankivska Sprava”, “Finansy Ukrainy”, “Ekonomika Ukrainy”, “Finansova Sprava” “Finansov Konsul’tatsiya”, “Kvartalne Peredbachennya” et al.