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Macroeconomic Forecasting - Кафедра фінансів НаУКМА
Україна, 04655, м. Київ, вул. Г. Сковороди, 2 корпус 6, кім. 410, тел.(044)425-60-42, 425-77-37 (факс)

Invest in your future with the Master Program of Finance of Kyiv Mohyla Academy!

Master’s Program in Finance is a unique combination of thorough academic education and relevant experience of Ukrainian and European experts. No matter how you see your future: in the scientific field, or in the leading global or local companies, our master's program will give you the self-confidence and your managers or employers will be pleasantly surprised by the level of your preparation and competence.

We do not give all the ready answers, but we give you the opportunity to make your discoveries in a friendly atmosphere and improve your leadership skills. We do not teach you how to think, but we will show you how to transform knowledge and experience to success.

Macroeconomic Forecasting

Teaches: Shumska Svitlana

Course Schedule

Theme 1. Methodological Principles of Forecasting.

Theme 2. Methods of Forecasting of Social and Economic Processes.

Theme 3. Econometrics in Economic Research Activities.


Theme 4. System of National Accounts and Intersectoral Balance.

Theme 5. Modeling of Economic Development. Economic Models.

Theme 6. Modeling of Economic Growth.

Theme 7. Models of the Branches of Economy.

Theme 8. Financial Planning and Forecasting.

Theme 9. Strategic Planning and Forecasting.

Theme 10. Indicative Planning.

Theme 11. Financial Programming

Theme 12. Long-term Forecasting. Foresight.

Theme 13. Global Modeling. World Experience of Economic Forecasting.

Theme 14. Informational Support of Macroeconomic Forecasting.


  1. Basovsky L.E. Forecasting and Planning in Market Conditions: Educational accessory. Moscow: INFRA-M. 2007.
  2. Geyets V.M., Klebanova T.S., Cherniak O.I. et al. Models and Methods of Social-Economic Forecasting. 2nd Kharkiv: INZHEK, 2008.
  3. Golikov A.P. Economic-Mathematical Modeling of Global Processes: Educational accessory. 3rd Kyiv: Znannia, 2009.
  4. Kasjanenko V.O., Starchenko L.V. Modeling and Forecasting of Economical Processes. Educational accessory: Lectures. Sumy: Universytetska Knyga, 2006.
  5. Kireev A. International Economics. In 2 volumes. (part 2 International Macroeconomics – open Economy and Macroeconomic Programming)/ Moscow: Mezhdunarodnyje otnosheniya, 2003.
  6. Klebanova T.S. Rayevneva O.V., Prokopovich S.V. et al. Economic-Mathematical Modeling: Educational accessory. Kharkiv: INZHEK, 2010.
  7. Kuzyk B.N. et al. Forecasting and Strategic Planning of Social and Economic Development: Manual. JSC “Izdatelstvo Ekonomika”, 2006.
  8. Lukianenko I.G. Gorodnichenko Yu.O. Modern Econometric Methods in Finances. Kyiv: Litera, 2002.
  9. Lukianenko I.G., Krasnikova L.I. Econometrics: Manual. Kyiv: Znannia, 1998.
  10. Mathematical Methods and Models of Market Economy: Educational accessory. Kharkiv: INZHEK, 2010.
  11. Modeling of economic processes: Manual. / edited by M.V. Grachova et al. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2005.
  12. Motorin R.M., Motorina T.M. SNA: Educational accessory. Kyiv: KNEU, 2001.
  13. Vinn R, Holden K. Introduction to Applied Econometric Analysis. Translation from English. Moscow: Finansy I Statistika, 1981.
  14. Vitlinsky V.V. Economic Modeling: Educational accessory. 2nd Kyiv: KNEU, 2007.
  15. Yurchishin V.V. Financial Forecasting in Ukrainian Model and Forecast of Ukrainian Economy: Educational accessory. Kyiv: UASG, 1997.
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